Welcome to where the seeds of dreams are planted--where one can sip from the charmed chalice of life & meet interesting folk through (hopefully) intelligent conversation.

One never knows nor can expect who will sail into the fray--what we do know is that no soul here is perfect no matter how we try. So let us celebrate & raise our mugs to the idiosyncratic nature of life--to the Kramer's & Norm's of the world, the Roseanne's & Allan Poe's. Some old, some lost, some tortured, some blessed, all souls sharing a drink at the same time in the same place. The ensuing tales are authentic with names trending towards monikers. The flag waving on our doorstep means we're open, so come perk your curiosity in Le Harbor Bungalow Cafe.

Bonjour! Mesherfin! Hasta la vista! Your barista.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fox & Bear

A bear stumbled to the city,
after hibernation.
A fox wandered from the alley,
caught his attention.

Far from the forest what are you doing here?
The fox was jilted & she needed some cheer.

And for the bear, the same was true.

They traveled & they sang,
The two became one.
But the fox moved so fast,
And the bear could not run.

Where are you going? I'm content right here.
The fox felt jilted & she needed some cheer.

And for the bear, the same was true.

The fox ran away,
It's all the bear's fault.
Can't find the words,
To unlock his heart.

Back to the mountains I don't like it here.
The fox was hot & she needed a beer.

And for the bear, the same was true.

And for the fox, the tears were true.

And for the bear, the same was true.

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